- Departments
- Superintendent
- Business Services
- Personnel Services
- Educational Services
- California State Standards
- Character Education
- Current Textbook Adoptions
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
- School Accountability Report Cards
- English Language Learner
- Title I
- Parent Resources
- Preschool
- PowerSource
- Title IX
- Interdistrict Forms
- Expanded Learning Opportunities
- Prop 28 Annual Report
- Contacts
- Archived Ed Services Documents
- Special Education
- Facilities and Operation Services
- Health Services
- Nutrition Services
- Technology Services
- Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
- Staff Directory
Personnel Services

Lowell Joint School District is committed to attracting and retaining the highest quality teachers and staff members who are dedicated to ensuring student achievement and providing opportunities for student success. Our devoted, caring, committed staff members are passionate about helping to develop academically capable students who will be prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow.
All of our positions, when they occur, are posted on EdJoin.org. Applicants should apply online for open positions that match their qualifications. If you would like to be considered for any of the current openings, please visit Lowell Joint School District on Edjoin.org. Applicants should apply for open positions that match their qualification. Our openings change frequently, so we encourage you to check back often.
Prior to employment with Lowell Joint School District all employees must pass a Department of Justice fingerprint clearance and have a valid Tuberculosis (TB) test.
To request information about certificated applicants previously employed by LJSD, in compliance with AB-2534, contact Mevanoff@ljsd.org. Be Sure to include "AB-2534 Request" in the subject line.