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Character Education

In the Lowell Joint School District, one very important part of our curriculum includes the teaching of character traits in order to strengthen our students’ self-esteem, personal responsibility, and decision making to develop the moral convictions of right and wrong and withstand undesirable peer pressure.
Our District has placed a high priority of providing a Character Education guide for every teacher so that each child receives instruction and practice in building strong, responsible character. A curriculum guide, developed by a committee of administrators and teachers, includes lessons built around nine major themes, each exploring character traits through quotes, sayings, and classroom activities that utilize student involvement, interaction, and planned follow-through.
Each month all schools in the District focus on a major theme. For that month, students will learn about that theme and what it means to apply it to their daily lives. They will be asked how to apply that theme in their academic and social life at school and to then share what they have learned with their parents through family homework activities. In this way, we hope to make a lasting impression in this area of character development.
The Lowell Joint teachers and administrators are committed to teaching these nine character traits. We believe that the impact of that teaching will be greatly enhanced if those same traits are taught, supported, and reinforced at home. For that reason, we ask parents to join us in this partnership.
August: Citizenship
September: Respect
October: Making Good Choices
November: Gratitude
December: Kindness
September: Respect
October: Making Good Choices
November: Gratitude
December: Kindness
January: Goal Setting
February: Honesty and Truthfulness
March: Self Discipline and Self Control
April: Responsibility
May: Friendship
February: Honesty and Truthfulness
March: Self Discipline and Self Control
April: Responsibility
May: Friendship